What I find amazing about this particular episode of the John Carpenter Retrospective is that Jeff Konopka and I didn’t explode in some kind of strange awe inspired alien, human hybrid, gore oozing love fest from all the praise we gave The Thing. It’s near impossible not to give this movie the highest marks a horror film could possibly withstand. What’s more, it’s not only scary, effect driven and anxiety inducing, it’s a hot bed of socio-political commentary of the best caliber.
If you’ve seen this flick before make sure to take a listen to this installment. We definitely spoiler it up proper so please don’t listen if you want to keep this remake classic virgin to your horror-lovin’ eyes. I’m hard pressed to find die hard fans of the genre who haven’t as of yet seen this picture, but then again, I’ve also found horror fans who think that all remakes are terrible simply because they are remakes. Here’s the remake that flushes the haters rule book straight down the crapper.
Special points of interest/conversation include a discussion of the soundtrack, Rob Bottin as an effects maestro extraordinaire, a brief recollection of the Cold War and McCarthyism as well as a the neo-McCarthian movement. We also discuss vagina chest monsters and head-spider combos (would you like fries with that?). Enjoy the warm feelings of Carpenter love for this first installment in the apocalypse trilogy (the other two to follow in good time).
As always, find the wonderful world of podcasts as distributed by The Liberal Dead HERE including this episode. You can download this episode directly HERE. Make sure to subscribe and, if you are so inclined, rate and review the darn thing. Find us on FaceBook HERE
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Stay tuned to the Liberal Dead for the next installment of the John Carpenter Retrospective which will be released this week featuring Jesse Bartel and Jeff Konopka talking about one of my personal favorites, Christine.
Keep watching the skies… wait… WRONG MOVIE. Doh!