The prequel to John Carpenter’s classic The Thing has been doing the rumor-mill rounds for years. Finally though it was made and it is set for a release this October. Now the teaser poster and trailer have surfaced in quick succession. So, what to make of the trailer? In all honesty it looks pretty good, but that might be down to one thing, yes it is being billed as a prequel but the trailer looks very much like a remake with a female lead. Of course I could be wrong, and I am sure there will be some twists and turns along the way. The whole set-up for the 1982 left plenty of scope for a back-story, and even a proper sequel, so I hope director Matthijs van Heiningen hasn’t spurned this opportunity. I am looking forward to this, even though it has its work cut out following, in my opinion, one of the best horror movies of the past 50 years.